The Explorers

The drop

The next set of the Worlds Within NFTs is "The Explorers". The Explorers will initially be 2D. There are 1997 unique Explorers consisting of 9 base types. Each one has accessories with different rarities.

The short-term goal is for users to be able to use one of the base models of the Explorers in the other Worlds Within experiences that have 3D avatars. The long-term goal is for users to be able to own their Avatar that will be a 3D VRM representation of the 2D NFT which will be fully transferable to any other project that supports VRM-based Avatars.

3D Avatars

The 3D avatars for the Explorers are currently being made and implemented. The avatars can currently be seen in Khaos Fractions, which is a Worlds Within first-person shooter. They can also be seen in Worlds Within Holo-Chambers, and more!



Minting CLosed

Minting has closed for Explorers, ending with 1997 explorers being minted.
Check out secondary markets, such as, to find explorers!